System Identification Book by Jitkomut Songsiri

Journal papers¶
The followings are selected lists of my publications and more of them can be found from my Google Scholar profile. My research social network at Researchgate
Amnuaypongsa and J. Songsiri, Large width penalization for neural network-based prediction interval estimation, [arXiv Preprint] [Codes]
Suwanwimolkul, N. Tongamrak, N. Thungka, N. Hoonchareon, and J. Songsiri, Developing a Thailand solar irradiance map using Himawari-8 satellite imageries and deep learning models, Solar Energy, March 2025. [arXiv Preprint] [Codes]
Manomaisaowapak and J. Songsiri, Joint learning of multiple Granger causal networks via non-convex regularizations: Inference of group-level brain connectivity, Neural Networks, Vol 149, May 2022, Pages 157-171. [arXiv Preprint] [Codes]
Boonyakitanont, A. Lek-uthai and J. Songsiri, ScoreNet: A neural network-based post-processing model for identifying epileptic seizure onset and offset in EEGs, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (IEEE TNRSE), Dec 2021, [bioRxiv Preprint] [Codes]
Suksamosorn, N. Hoonchareon and J. Songsiri, Post-processing of NWP forecasts using Kalman filtering with operational constraints for day-ahead solar power forecasting in Thailand, IEEE Access, July 2021. [Codes]
Manomaisaowapak, A. Nartkulpat and J. Songsiri, Granger Causality Inference in EEG Source Connectivity Analysis: A State-Space Approach, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, July 2021. [bioRxiv Preprint]. [Codes]
Boonyakitanont, A. Lek-uthai, K. Chomtho and J. Songsiri, A Review of Feature Extraction and Performance Evaluation in Epileptic Seizure Detection Using EEG, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Mar 2020, [ArXiv Preprint]
Pruttiakaravanich and J. Songsiri, Convex Formulation for Regularized Estimation of Structural Equation Models, Signal Processing, Vol. 166, Jan, 2020, [Codes]
Boonyakitanont, A. Lek-uthai, K. Chomtho and J. Songsiri, A Comparison of Deep Neural Networks for Seizure Detection in EEG Signals, bioRxiv Preprint, Jul 2019.
Raksasri and J. Songsiri, Guaranteed Stability of Autoregressive Models with Granger Causality Learned from Wald Tests, Engineering Journal, vol 21, no 6, 2017.
Van de Steen, L. Faes, E. Karahan, J. Songsiri, P.A. Valdes-Sosa, and D. Marinazzo, Critical comments on EEG sensor space dynamical connectivity analysis, Brain topography, 2016.
Pruttiakaravanich and J. Songsiri, A Review on Exploring Brain Networks from fMRI Data, Engineering Journal, Vol.20, No.3, 2016.
Songsiri, Sparse Optimization Problems in System Identification, Engineering Journal, vol 5, issue 1, page 51-75, 2014 (in Thai).
Songsiri and L. Vandenberghe, Topology selection in graphical models of autoregressive processes, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11, 2671-2705, 2010.
Conference papers¶
Suwanwimolkul, W. Wangdee, N. Hoonchareon, N. Thungka, N. Tongamrak, and J. Songsiri, Thailand Solar Irradiance Map: Analysis of Tree-based Models, Accecpted to 2024 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Sysetms, Auckland, New Zealand, 24-26 June, 2024. [Codes]
Amnuaypongsa and J. Songsiri,Probabilistic Solar Power Forecasting Using Multi-Objective Quantile Regression, Accecpted to 2024 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Sysetms, Auckland, New Zealand, 24-26 June, 2024. [Codes]
Manomaisaowapak and J. Songsiri, Learning a Common Granger Causality Network using a Non-convex Regularization, Proceedings of The 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 4-8 May, 2020. This is a virtual conference. [Codes]
Boonyakitanont, A. Lek-uthai and J. Songsiri, Automatic Epileptic Seizure Onset-Offset Detection Based on CNN in Scalp EEG, Proceedings of The 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 4-8 May, 2020. This is a virtual conference.
Plub-in and J. Songsiri, Estimation of Granger Causality of State-Space Models using a Clustering with Gaussian Mixture Models , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC), Bari, Italy, Oct, 2019.
Plub-in and J. Songsiri, State-space model estimation of EEG time series for classifying active brain sources , Proceedings of The 2018 Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON-2018), Chiangmai, Thailand 2018.
Anuntasethakul, N. Techaphangam, and J. Songsiri, A State-Space Identification of Building Temperature System, Proceedings of ECTI Conference, Thailand 2018.
Suksamosorn, N. Hoonchareon, and J. Songsiri, Influential Variable Selection for Improving Solar Forecasts from Numerical Weather Prediction, Proceedings of ECTI Conference, Thailand 2018.
Layanun, S. Suksamosorn, and J. Songsiri, Missing-data Imputation for Solar Irradiance Forecasting in Thailand, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference, Kanazawan, Japan, 2017.
Raksasri and J. Songsiri, Exploring Granger Causality for Time series via Wald Tests on Estimated Models with Guaranteed Stability, Proc. of Electrical Engineering Conference (EECON), 2016 (in Thai).
Aranchayanont, J. Songsiri, and K. Srungboonmee, Spectral Analysis on Vibroartrographic Signal of Total Knee Arthroplasty, Proc. of IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2016.
Pruttiakaravanich and J. Songsiri, A Convex Formulation for Path Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference (SICE 2016), Japan, 2016.
Songsiri, Learning Multiple Granger Graphical Models via Group Fused Lasso, Proc. of the 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2015), Kinabalu, Malaysia, Jun 2015.
Pongrattarakul, P. Lerdkultanon and J. Songsiri, Sparse System Identification for Discovering Brain Connectivity from fMRI Time Series, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference, Japan, Sep 2013.
Songsiri, Sparse autoregressive model estimation for learning Granger causality in time series, Proc. of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Canada, May 2013, [Poster]
Suwanwimolkul, J. Songsiri, P. Sermwuthisarn and S. Auethavekiat, L1-norm of high frequency components as a regularization term for compressed sensing reconstruction of image signals, Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), Taiwan, 2012.
Songsiri, Projection onto an l1-norm ball with application to identification of sparse autoregressive models, Asean Symposium on Automatic Control, Vietnam, 2011.
Songsiri, J. Dahl, and L. Vandenberghe, Maximum-likelihood estimation of autoregressive models with conditional independence constraints, Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Taiwan, 2009.
Songsiri, D. Banjerdpongchai, Dynamic Models of Servo-Driven Conveyor System, Proc. of the 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Analog and Digital Techniques in Electrical Engineering, 2004.
Pakdeepattarakorn, P. Thamvechvitee, J. Songsiri, M. Wongsaisuwan, D.Banjerdpongchai, Dynamic Models of A Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum System, Proc. of the 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Analog and Digital Techniques in Electrical Engineering, 2004.
Songsiri, W. Khovidhungij, Feedback Stabilization of One-Link Flexible Robot Arms: An Infinite-Dimensional System Approach, Proc. of the 42nd SICE Annual Conference, 2003, [Preprint] [Presentation slide]
Songsiri, W. Khovidhungij, Feedback Control of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam with a Tip Mass: An Infinite-Dimensional Control System Approach, Proc. of the 25th Thailand’s Electrical Engineering Conference (EECON), 2002 (In Thai).
Songsiri, N. Phasukvanich, K. Sombatvilailert, W. Apichartwallop, W. Khovidhungij, Adaptive Control for a One-Link Flexible Robot Arms Using Wavelet Networks, Proc. of the 25th Thailand’s Electrical Engineering Conference (EECON), 1999 (In Thai).
Technical talks¶
running from the newest
< ICMSSP at IE Engineering > Data analytics in grid edge applications
< NIDA lecture 2020 > Introduction to Solar Forecasting and the lecture video
< Chula 2018 > Solar Power Forecast for Energy Management Systems in Smart Grid
< Nanjing 2017 > Solar Irradiance Forecasting at Chulalongkorn University
< TENCON 2016 > Spectral Analysis on Vibroartrographic Signal of Total Knee Arthroplasty
< Chengdu 2016 > Sparse Optimization in Exploring Brain Networks
< ASCC 2015 > Learning Multiple Granger Graphical Models via Group Fused Lasso
< USM 2013 > Sparse System Identification for Discovering Brain Connectivity from fMRI time series
< Joint Seminar 2012 > Learning Granger Graphical Models for Google Flu Trends Data
PhD Thesis¶
Title: Graphical Models of Time Series: Parameter Estimation and Topology Selection (130 pages), Electrical Engineering, UCLA, 2010
Advisor: Dr. Lieven Vandenberghe
[Thesis] [Prospectus 2008] [ICASSP 2009 poster] [Dept talk 2008]
Master Thesis¶
Title: Feedback Stabilization of One-Link Flexible Robot Arms: An Infinite-Dimensional System Approach (56 pages), Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, 2002
Advisor: Dr.Watcharapong Khovidhungij