.. highlight:: matlab .. nunggu-web documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Apr 2 21:28:31 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. EE 732 - Convex Optimization and Engineering Applications =========================================================== **Announcement:** - All course information is directed to CourseVille. Homework ----------- Lecture notes --------------- Acknowledgement: All the handouts are available from the course web of `EE236B `_ taught by Prof. Lieven Vandenberghe, UCLA. The instructor would like to thank Prof. Vandenberghe for allowing this class to use his lecture notes. 1. Introduction 2. Convex sets #. Convex functions #. Convex optimization problems #. Duality #. Approximation and fitting #. Statistical estimation #. Geometric problems #. Numerical linear algebra background #. Unconstrained minimization #. Equality constrained minimization #. Interior-point methods #. Conclusions MATLAB files ------------- - `data_logistic <./ee732/codes/data_logistic.mat>`_ - `data_robustapprox <./ee732/codes/data_robustapprox.mat>`_ - `data_tvdenoising <./ee732/codes/data_tvdenoising.mat>`_ - `data_svm_train <./ee732/codes/data_svm_train.mat>`_ - `data_svn_validate <./ee732/codes/data_svm_validate.mat>`_ Course Information -------------------- :Lectures: EE 404, Mon Wed 8:00-9:30 AM :Instructor: Jitkomut Songsiri (JSS) :Textbook: We use `Convex Optimization `_ as a main reference book for this course. - S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Oxford, 2004 :Grading: Homework 40% Midterm 35% Final 15% Term paper 10% :Softwares: Most assignments will involve MATLAB programming with optimization toolbox. Students should install `CVX `_ which is a MATLAB package for solving convex programs.