EE 575 - Statistical Inference and Modeling ============================================== Announcement ----------------- - The course is regularly co-taught by Jitkomut, Chanchai and Widhayakorn. - All homework assignments are accessible through CourseVille. Lecture Notes -------------- Available for download here. More handouts will be added. 1. `Introduction to Statistical Learning`_ #. `Linear Regression`_ #. Robust regression #. `Resampling Method`_ #. Model selection #. Bootstrap method #. `Regularization techniques`_ #. Nonlinear regression model #. Overview of classification (Bayes' theorem, performance indices) #. `Logistic Regression`_ #. k-nearest neighbor #. Linear and quadratic discrimination analysis (LDA, QDA) #. Support vector machine #. Tree-based methods and ensemble models #. Overview of unsupervised learning #. Principle component analysis (PCA) #. `Gaussin mixture models (GMM) and EM algorithm`_ #. Self-orgnaizing maps (SOM) .. _Introduction to Statistical Learning: ./ee575/intro.pdf .. _Linear Regression: ./ee575/linreg.pdf .. _Logistic Regression: ./ee575/logreg.pdf .. _Regularization techniques: ./ee575/reg.pdf .. _Resampling Method: ./ee575/resamp.pdf .. _Gaussin mixture models (GMM) and EM algorithm: ./ee575/em.pdf Course Information -------------------- :Lectures: Mon Wed 11 AM - 12:30 PM :Instructors: - Jitkomut Songsiri (JSS) - Assist. Prof. Charnchai Pluempitiwiriyawej (CPW) - Assist. Prof. Widhyakorn Asdornwised (WAS) :Textbooks: - Jerome H. Friedman, *Robert Tibshirani, and Trevor Hastie, The Elements of Statistical Learning*, 2nd Edition, Springer - Daniela Witten, Gareth James, Robert Tibshirani, and Trevor Hastie, *An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R*, Springer, 2013 - Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, *Pattern Classification*, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.